Two jobs, sports (both in and outside of school), and an active social life - all on top of Year 12 - sounds like a heavy load, doesn’t it? But Class of 2023 student Olivia says keeping herself busy in her final year of secondary school forced her to have productive study sessions and ultimately led to her success.
“Constantly asking teachers for help, even if I felt like I was asking silly questions or being annoying, was also important for me. The teachers were always happy to help; without them, I wouldn’t have achieved int he way I did. A special shout out to Dr Gavin and Mr Miller, who often gave up their lunchtimes or devoted time after school to help me out.”
Over her six years at the College, Olivia was part of countless sporting teams after discovering her love of sports in Year 7. Sports' camaraderie, physical fitness, and mental health benefits undoubtedly contributed to Olivia’s overall sense of balance and success.
During her study sessions, Olivia always ensured she completed every piece of work given to her and gave them all her very best effort.
“In VCE, you are bombarded with tasks which feel impossible to finish, but if you get them done, they help a lot and keep you one step ahead.”
However, Olivia admits there were some difficult times in Year 12! It’s a big year! When it came to those times, she relied on her friends and family and is extremely grateful for their steadfast support and presence.
“Year 12 can be rocky, but having friends who are going through the same thing to sit and enjoy lunch or vent with makes a huge difference. And, of course, I couldn’t have done it without the support of my parents, who listened to my troubles, drove me to countless sports, and provided a safe environment for me to sleep, eat and study in.”
Olivia’s recipe for Year 12 success and all that hard work was recognised in her ATAR of 90.8 and her acceptance into Biomedicine at Melbourne University. She was also awarded the prestigious Chancellor’s Scholarship, which entitles her to full tuition for three years of Biomed, a guaranteed master’s program of her choice (provided she meets the prerequisites) and a generous living allowance. All of which she will undoubtedly put to good use.
While Olivia isn’t 100% sure which career direction she will take, medicine, dentistry, or speech pathology feature high on her list.
Congratulations Olivia!