Pastoral Care & Home Groups
Each Home Group at the College consists of students from the same Year level and is led by a Home Group Mentor who usually teaches the students in one other class.
The Home Group meets three mornings per week for a check-in with Home Group Mentors who run sessions focussing on:
- Mindset Monday – preparation for the week ahead,
- Wellbeing Wednesday – wellbeing activities, and
- Thankful Fridays – gratitude practice.
Within their Home Groups, students participate in our Pastoral Program where they:
- explore developmentally appropriate topics,
- establish connections,
- build resilience, and
- strengthen their capacity to deal with life’s challenges constructively.
Home Group Mentors oversee the learning and wellbeing of students in their Home Group and are supported by Year Learning Leaders. The Home Group Mentor directly links students, families, and the College.
Students also belong to a House and will engage in various house-based activities that extend connectedness across the College.
The College incorporates the University of Yale RULER program for students in Years 7 - 12 and the Respectful Relationships program for students in Years 7 – 12.